Founded in 2021, Ognam Global (powered by KDS Group of Companies) has raised the standard of food exporting from India to all over the world. Quality food items like vegetables, fruits and grocery has to be reached to all part of the world and that was the main objective of this company since its inception.
India is the exporting hub of fruits, vegetables and spices since many decades. When we decided to start Ognam Global, we were committed with the quality because we have our own farm houses where we sow fruits like Mango, Banana, Apple and vegetables like Potato. We are pioneer in exporting food items like: potato, banana, pomo and Mangoes as our speciality.
The founder of the company Nayan Dhameja is highly experienced with the farming background. His forefathers were associated with farming business and inspection of the quality fruits, vegetables and pulses are in their blood. The quality consciousness is their utmost priority and hence every single fruit and vegetable is checked under Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) for pesticide free export. We have the one of the finest storing space and hence we are capable of fulfilling any size order and ready to export immediately.
We have the simplest process set for quick delivery.
You can contact us for inquiry, we will happy to associate with you!

Sorting Facility
Not every piece of fruit is Export Quality hence sorting the best out of all is important. We have industrial equipments from Italy that increases the efficiency and saves time

Pack House
Once the product is purchased, it is bought to our packing house and is packed according to the specifications provided by the customer
Farmers Market
We buy directly from the famers all around the globe and hence are able to provide the cheapest rates

We have facilities for Hot Water Treatment and Vapour Treatment that are crucial for export of many fruits and vegetables

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+91 9999149396